Monday, December 9, 2013

Competitive Pay Rates

With the economy shifting back to an Employee’s Market and minimum wage rising, pay rates are expected to increase by approximately 3.0% from 2014 to 2015.  As the available good labor pool is shrinking and more skilled candidates are finding jobs, employers looking to fill positions must offer more competitive pay rates and benefits when hiring. 

CEOs are also facing the growing concern of how to retain their valuable staff members through the upcoming year.  In order to remain competitive, companies will have to focus their attention on both current and prospective employee salaries.

Employers may soon discover that partnering with a staffing firm, such as Peoples Choice Staffing, is the key to navigating the market shift.  PCS is not only a great resource for in-depth knowledge of the current trends, but its services are proven to save you time and money in your search for candidates that not only match the desired skill sets, but also align with your company culture.

"Peoples Choice Staffing, Inc. does more than match the skill sets we ask for, they look beyond the job description to understand our companies goals and vision. They offer customized, cost-effective solutions that not only save us time, but save us money".
- Marc Mills, President, Pacific Rim Capital, Inc.- Aliso Viejo, California

Contact us today at (951)735-0550 to find out how we can provide customized help for all your staffing needs! Find more info at

SOURCES: World of Work Survey (04/2013) / Buck Consultants Survey (10/2013)

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