"The biggest category of mistakes is in hiring," says Tony Hsieh (CEO of Zappos.com). Today's leading business experts are discussing the importance of hiring decisions because a bad hire can lead to the downward spiral of a company's valuable resources and culture.
Overlooking how well a potential employee will fit into your company's environment in order to meet your immediate needs can quickly backfire. A bad hire can cost millions of dollars; use this Bad Hire Calculator to estimate the damage to your bottom line.
Hsieh declares that he is "willing to sacrifice the short term benefits for the long term gains." Whether or not a candidate shows excellent qualifications on paper, if they do not fit the company culture, they will be turned away.
Chris Bryant (CEO of Bryant Group) also advises to "select for value and train for function" because your employees are representing your brand. "Invest in the gift that keeps on giving; invest in your people."
Find out how Peoples Choice Staffing can help you avoid the difficulty of dealing with bad hires. As an experienced leader in Human Capital Management, Denise Peoples can save you time and money on your staffing needs.
Call (951)735-0550 or visit www.peopleschoicestaffing.com for more information.